
How to make healthy lunches for your children

Lunch can be fun and nutritious
Moms and dads spend time putting together lunches for their children to take to school and often find themselves wondering if their child is eating their lunch or "trading" away what they pack. Kids love to open up their lunch bags and find great food that they'll have fun eating. They do not necessarily need to know that their lunch is good for them too!

Feeding kids the food they want while keeping them prepared for school and high activity levels is challenging. However, there are some great ways to make their school lunches healthy and get them to eat them as well.

Finding healthy lunch options that are easy to pack for school does not have to be that difficult. There are several great sandwiches, salads, fruit smoothies and even snacks that are nutritious and can be carried to school. The more your child likes a specific food, the more likely they are to eat it so let them be your guide.

Find out their favorites
What are your kid's favorite foods? Remember, they are more likely to eat a nutritious lunch if you prepare some of the foods they prefer versus what you think they should have. Make a list of your child's favorite fruits, vegetables and snack foods. Use these foods to build a lunch they will eat. If you have multiple children, find out which ones they have in common and build lunches around these foods.

Simple thermos smoothies
Pick two or three of your children's favorite fruits and mix them with low-fat milk and yogurt and toss them in the blender. You can make two quick smoothies with a banana, a cup of yogurt and a half cup of raspberries. Blend them with a cup of ice cubes and pour them into your children's thermos bottles and put them in the freezer. By the time your child has lunch, their smoothie will be ready to drink.

Simple nutritious snacks
Snacks are a big part of school lunches. Remember, healthy snacks are always important, kids love to snack as they go along so whether you decide to make your own or find options for regular healthy snack delivery, make sure you have a variety of snacks to include with lunches.

Kids swap snacks with one another. You can make a nutritious snack by mixing a sugar-free cereal like Cheerios, Chex or other similar cereal with raisins, dried cranberries, nuts and sunflower seeds. For an extra treat, toss in a cup of chocolate chips for a sweet and salty snack that is good for them too! Pack them in a small plastic container or zipper style storage bag. 

Super simple sandwiches
Peanut butter is a long time favorite for many children's school lunches. However, with more children being allergic to nuts, parents are searching for healthy sandwich ideas. A few quick and easy options include egg salad, leftover meatloaf, leftover chicken or leftover turkey.

However, another way to make sure your child eats a sandwich is to let them build their own. Create a "build your own" sandwich for your child by providing them with pita bread, vegetables, cheese and low fat cold cuts. They can then make the sandwich themselves at school.

Don’t overlook other options
Leftover chicken makes a great finger food for school lunches. In addition, sliced fruits, vegetables and a cup of nuts make a healthy and nutritious lunch option. Cube cheese and add to a lunch box with crackers and fruit for a healthy snack option. By using your children's favorite foods, you'll be certain they are eating a healthy lunch.