
Questions to ask in a job interview

While most people understand that they should ask job-related questions during an interview, it is not always clear which questions are appropriate. There are some questions that should never be broached during an interview such as promotional opportunities in a specific job role.  However, there are some job related questions to ask in a job interview that can tell you a lot about the role you are applying for.

Job responsibilities

One of the best ways to highlight specific skills in an interview is to ask about the responsibilities of the job. Not only will asking questions about responsibilities show an interviewer you have an interest in the job but, it allows you to determine if the job is a good  fit. This will also allow for a more in-depth discussion about specific skills if it is warranted.

Working hours

Many times, a job seeker fails to ask about work hours. This can create problems once the position is offered if they conflict with children’s school hours and other family commitments. Ask about normal work hours, expectations regarding special projects, whether weekends are required. This will allow a job seeker to ensure that they can meet the required time commitments.

Travel expectations

One of the important questions that often gets overlooked is about travel related to work. Some positions (such as sales) nearly always require travel. However, there are other jobs that may require travel that is not as obvious.  Ask about day-to-day travel, possible weekend travel and travel for special events. The answer to these questions may make the difference as to whether you are a good fit for the job.

Salary and benefits

While many career sites suggest that questions about salary and benefits are not appropriate during an interview, these questions are important. While a job seeker should avoid asking when raises are given or what the company offers for sick, personal or vacation days, salary and benefits do matter. While these questions should not be the only questions asked, they do have a role in the overall interview.

Role in the bigger picture

One of the things that is not always evident in a job interview is how the job fits into the overall company. Job seekers should ask specific questions about how the person who fills the role “fits in” to the overall company vision. The answer to this question can provide insight as to how important the role is to the overall success of the company.

Job interviews should not be viewed as a one-way inquisition where the interviewer is asking all the questions. Job seekers who are able to display their interest in a job by asking the right job related questions in a job interview are often viewed more favorably by the interviewer. In addition, asking the right questions can help a job seeker highlight their specific skills that make them more valuable as a candidate.