
Self­-Employment: A dose of reality Part I

As a means of keeping up with what other people are writing about the trials and tribulations of being self-employed, I often read other blogs, articles and various tidbits especially if they offer tips. Let's face it, we could all use some guidance. However, every now and again, I come across an article that leaves me scratching my head and wondering if the person who wrote it ever worked for themselves. I thought it might be a good idea to share some of the thoughts that one person has about being self-employed and make sure that others understand the folly of believing these kinds of outrageously idiotic comments. Because I have a LOT to say about this, I'm going to break it into parts (otherwise you'll fall asleep reading it).

Here's the hit list and below you'll see why I strongly disagree with these perceptions:
  • People who are self-employed are very much their own bosses
  • Self ­employed people are also not making money for other people, but are making themselves rich
  • Self-employed people are also not at the mercy of their bosses, but are productive
  • Self-employed do not have to put up with the moods of people higher than themselves in work Self-employed people are also not earning a measly wage or salary, but making big money for themselves
  • Self-employed people are also have the liberty of going to work in any dress code that they desire
  • Self-employed people can be proud of what they have created
  • People who are self-employed are very much their own bosses

THIS is so wrong on so many levels that I am always staggered that anyone believes this anymore! Just because you are not actually working for a boss does not mean you are the boss! This is one of my all-time favorites. You DO still have a boss probably a lot of them; your customers! If you believe that you do not have to answer to a customer, then yes, you don't have a boss. Just keep in mind that your customers are likely to be telling you what they expect, when they expect it and what they are willing to pay for it as well.

Self-employed people are also not making money for other people, but are making themselves rich
This made me laugh out loud really it did. Does any person out there believe that your clients are NOT making money off your work?  Let's face facts: Whether you design websites, write articles or develop iPad applications SOMEONE is making money off your work BESIDES YOU. And, chances are that as a self-employed person you'll do well but rich isn't probably the word I'd use. Self-employed people are also not at the mercy of their bosses, but are productive

Only someone who has never been self-employed could really believe this hogwash. First of all, you're not just naturally productive and in fact you ARE at the mercy of (bosses) clients: After all, you have to wait for the assignment, you might have to wait for further direction, you probably have to wait for them to pay you as well. Good grief, if you are trying to decide on self-employment and working for someone else and this is the best you can do, then you best head to your local McDonalds and find a job there!

Stay tuned for more of my rant: Sorry, but to me, this is the biggest conglomeration of erroneous information I have ever read in a single article (yes, all of this came from ONE article!).